Eddie de Goër

a net hanged between two pillars, enclosing a third pillar in the centera person sitting in the net, reading a publicationthe publication opened, showing a hand drawn diagramclose-up of the publication, showing a handwritten sentence, with sentences on the next pages lightly showing through the paper

One safety net


Ropes of various materials, publication, 17x21cm, 86 pages on slightly transparent paper


The various ways of weaving, interlacing, knotting and knitting that can be used to create a net, each generating different structures, properties, and behaviors, are used in One safety net as a medium to ponder on the tangled relationships between social networks, one’s capacity to build secure attachments in the world, and the gap between instrumentalized concepts of safety and the needs of the people who lack it most.

The publication progresses through handwritten fragments of notes, questions and sketches that put physical and social nets in relation, while the central net of the piece offers to experience how it holds and affects the body.